STAK AAB is fully autonomous within the limits of its objects, while its board is independent of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. The first board of STAK AAB was appointed when the foundation was established. Since then, the board has been able to appoint its own members, without any requirement for approval by or cooperation with ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
In the event of a vacancy, any depositary receipt holder can make nominations for appointment. In principle, board members of STAK AAB are appointed for four years and are eligible for reappointment for up to two additional periods. The board has drawn up a retirement schedule for its members. Details of procedures, including the board’s composition, appointments, independence and procedures for meetings, are set out in STAK AAB’s Articles.
The board of STAK AAB is now made up of four members: Marc van Gelder (chair), Yvonne van Roiij (vice-chair), Cilian Jansen Verplanke (executive secretary) and Kees Peijster (treasurer). Upon the incorporation of STAK AAB in 2015, former board members Peter Ingelse and Inge Brakman were asked by the Ministry of Finance, NLFI and ABN AMRO to become board members for a period of four years. In 2019 Ingelse and Brakman were reappointed for a period of four years. Inge Brakman decided to step down as board member of STAK AAB on 31 December 2022. And Peter Ingelse decided to step down as board member of STAK AAB on 28 February 2023.
The board members Jansen Verplanke and Van Gelder were appointed in 2018 by the then incumbent board members for a period of four years. In 2022 Jansen Verplanke and Van Gelder were reappointed for a period of four years.
Yvonne van Rooij was appointed on 5 January 2023 as board member of STAK AAB. This way the vacancy was filled which existed after the step down of Inge Brakman. Kees Peijster was appointed on 1 March 2023 as board member of STAK AAB. This way the vacancy was filled which existed after the step down of Peter Ingelse.
The board as it is currently composed has the required expertise, while the members’ collective experience covers all legal, financial and public sector areas.
The board is assisted by a regular and independent team of advisers in administrative and secretarial matters, legal advice, financial-legal advice, communication advice, and by a Listing Agent. Mazars Paardekooper Hoffman Accountants N.V. have been appointed as STAK AAB’s external accountancy firm.
The Board
Meet the board.
Marc van Gelder
Mr. Van Gelder (1961) is of Dutch nationality. He was appointed to the board of the Stichting on 9 April 2018. Mr. Van Gelder studied economics at Erasmus University in Rotterdam and got his MBA at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He worked for Drexel Burnham Lambert in New York (1986-1988). After getting his MBA he worked for McKinsey & Company (1990-1996) and held various positions at Koninklijke Ahold N.V. (1996-2004), one of which was CEO at Peapod in the US, after which he became a Member of the Board at Mediq N.V. (2005-2014).
Marc van Gelder
Mr. Van Gelder currently holds the following positions. He is founder and CEO of Dennendonck Investments B.V. He is chariman of the Supervisory Board of Nexeye N.V., the Supervisory Board of JP Morgan European Discovery Trust PLC and the Supervisory Board of Incision B.V. Mr. Van Gelder is also chairman of Stichting Continuïteit NN Group N.V., board member of the Nederland-America Foundation and board member of Stichting Administratiekantoor Heijmans. Mr. Van Gelder is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Action B.V.
Previously Mr. Van Gelder was inter alia a member of the Supervisory Board of Maxeda N.V. (2005-2017), a member of the Supervisory Board of Gimv in Belgium (2014-2016), chairman of the Supervisory Board of Stichting Diabetes Fonds, chairman of Stichting Paleis Het Loo (Nationaal Museum), chairman of the Supervisory Board of Vastned N.V., chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hans Anders N.V. and chairman of the Supervisory Board of Quantib B.V.
Cilian Jansen Verplanke
Mrs. Jansen Verplanke (1965) is of Dutch nationality. She was appointed to the board of the Stichting on 9 April 2018. Mrs. Jansen Verplanke read law at Leiden University. After graduating in 1990, she held several positions with ABN AMRO Bank, including that of Senior Manager Equity Capital Markets. Until 2001 she was employed as Senior Investment Manager with ABN AMRO Private Equity, after which she worked for Rabobank from 2001 until 2010, where she set up Rabo Participaties. Her most recent position at Rabobank was that of Director Large Businesses.
Cilian Jansen Verplanke
Since 2010 Mrs. Jansen Verplanke has been a partner/co-founder of the Karmijn Kapitaal investment fund in Amsterdam. Since 2014 she has also been a Governess at the Stichting RC Oude Armen Kantoor (a Roman Catholic charity for the needy elderly) and board member of the Young Pianist Foundation. She has been a board member of Level20 Dutch Chapter organization since 2019.
Among Mrs. Jansen Verplanke’s earlier positions are: board member of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Participatiemaatschappijen (the Netherlands Venture Capital Association) (2001-2006), chair of the Stichting Reizend Muziek Gezelschap (a music foundation) (2003-2007), member of the Board of Supervisory Directors and member of the audit committee of Coop Supermarkets (2006 – 2016), treasurer of the Foundation Kanaka School Project in Ghana (2010-2015) and board member and member of the audit committee of the Leiden University Fund (2006-2016).
Yvonne van Rooy
Mrs. Van Rooy (1951) is a Dutch national. She was appointed to the board of STAK AAB on 5 January 2023. Mrs. Van Rooy studied law at Utrecht University. After an internship at the European Commission she started working at Nederlands Christelijk Werkgeversverbond (NCW) (1978-1984). In 1984 she was elected as a Member of the European Parliament for the Dutch political party CDA. Thereafter she became Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (1986-1994) and member of the Dutch Parliament (1994-1997). She continued her career as chairman of the board of Tilburg University (1997-2004) and Utrecht University (2004-2012). Between 2012 and 2018 she was the chairman of Vereniging van Ziekenhuizen.
Yvonne van Rooy
Mrs. Van Rooy currently holds the following positions. She is a member of the Supervisory Board of the following companies: Philips Netherlands (chairman), Fujifilm Europe (vice chairman) and Healthcare Institution ’s Heerenloo (vice chairman). She is also chairman of the Supervisory Board of Raad voor Accreditatie, board member of Instituut GAK, chairman of the board of Stichting Beschermers Nationaal Monument Kamp Vught, board member of Stichting Continuïteit PostNL, chairman of Monitoringcommissie Code Pensioenfondsen and founder/owner of Yvorooij B.V.
Previously Mrs. Van Rooy was inter alia member of the Supervisory Boards of Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten, ING, NN and PwC. She was also a board member of Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest.
Kees Peijster
Mr. Peijster (1956) is a Dutch national. He was appointed to the board of the Stichting on 1 March 2023. Mr. Peijster studied law at the University of Leiden (1977 - 1983) and he worked as a lawyer at the (predecessors of) law firm De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek. He worked for this law firm consecutively in The Hague, New York, Rotterdam and Amsterdam. He was a member of the board in his last 5 years at the law firm.
Kees Peijster
From 2015 till 2020 Mr. Peijster was Chief Legal Counsel at COFRA AG, with seat in Zug (CH).
Mr. Peijster still works for COFRA AG as a consultant. He is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Huisman Equipment B.V.; member of the board of Stichting Rode Olifant and a member of the Investment Committee of Argidius Foundation.
Previously Mr. Peijster was inter alia member and chairman of the Supervisory Board of Child Helpline International and a member of the Sponsor Commission of the RCO House.